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de blije doos is a free sampling package with useful and relevant products and information for all pregnant women in the Netherlands.

93,0% of all pregnant women who pick up de blije doos recommend it to other pregnant women. And 90,0% would sign up for de blije doos if getting pregnant again. de blije doos has been awarded with a 8,4/10 which is the highest mark of all the different boxes in the Netherlands. (Source: de blije doos survey, August/September 2023)

Target group: Women who are at least 13 weeks pregnant
Annual circulation: Approx. 125,000 boxes per year

Distribution: Controlled circulation via de Prénatal shops

  • Participation: 12 months. A test period of three months is also possible.
  • Rates and delivery specifications are available on demand.
  • National participation only.

WIJ Voordeelbox (Discount Box)

The WIJ Voordeelbox is a box full of useful and nice products for mother and child. The WIJ Voordeelbox can be ordered twice a year. The communication about the WIJ Voordeelbox proceeds through the media of WIJ. Therefore, the range among pregnant women and mothers with a child from 0 to 1 is large.

More information? Please contact us!